Thursday, August 23, 2007

“Send” Your Message

E-mail marketing is considered a leading direct marketing strategy that can effectively communicate an organization’s message to a specific audience. As marketers know, this strategy can be utilized to solidify and build relationships with current customers, in addition to gaining the attention of new customers. The ultimate goal with e-mail marketing is to increase contact with customers to build sales.

According to researchers, it is estimated that in 2006, US businesses spent $400 million on e-mail marketing. Why is e-mail marketing such a popular marketing strategy for so many companies? The following are a few key benefits of this strategy:

    It is a low-cost vehicle used to inform clients and potential customers; this yields a strong return on investment if performed correctly.

    It offers proactive marketing messaging that pushes a message and encourages customers to action, rather than a stagnant marketing vehicle—such a Web site—which requires that customers seek out a particular business.

    E-mailing offers fast delivery, so it can provide customers up-to-the-minute information.

    Automation is available, which can allow for consistent and timely e-mail message delivery.

    Marketing efforts are targeted to your ideal clients.

    E-mailing is environmentally friendly; saving on paper usage.

Hints to improve e-mail strategies:

    Keep e-mail marketing messages relevant and targeted toward the recipient(s).

    Limit the number of e-mail messages sent to each of your targets. An overabundance of e-mails can create e-mail fatigue.

    Encourage e-mail recipients to add their company e-mail addresses to contacts. A most effective tactic is to simplify the process by offering a “click here to add this address to your contact list” button during the opting-in process.

    Be very specific and methodical when writing effective e-mail subject lines; they can make or break a recipient’s decision to pass by an e-mail.

    Become a trusted, credible e-mail sender with both recipients and major ISP’s.

    Resist the temptation to use e-mails for customer surveys. Customers do not want to spend too much time filling out forms, or providing companies endless amounts of information.

Success is at your fingertips…just click “send.”

Thursday, August 16, 2007

MCS Dance Party
Courtesy of Heineken, featuring the Funky Fresh MCS Crew, Electric Boogaloo.

Please dance responsibly.
