Friday, February 15, 2008

Be The Brand
Creating a proper branding statement is essential for effective marketing in every type of business. Branding is what sets you apart from the competition. Successful branding needs to be based on something more than your company’s features and benefits; it must make your company stand out from your competition. Your company’s brand is the essence of your company’s marketing and public relations planning.

Resist the temptation to follow your competition's branding. It is imperative your company’s branding make a clear statement that sets you apart.

Make your brand SPEAK to your target market based on what they want. Create expectations and follow through on all brand efforts so your customers are never disappointed or confused when they come into contact with your company product, service or communications.

There are incredible successes that we all look to as setting the bar for branding. Consider the following: Nike, Apple, or Wheaties. Did you get a mental image of each brand? Are there expectations of quality established for each brand? Most likely either one or all of the brands mentioned generated a mental image in your mind of either a logo, color or actual product identity.

Think of the “Wheaties” brand…their branding has built them into “The Breakfast of Champions!” Wheaties are associated with health and success. Athletic success is reinforced with premiere and admired athletes featured on every box. The orange box has been a part of the cereal’s “Be a Winner” branding. Over the years of consistent branding efforts, consumers connect with the brand and know what to expect from the product.

Every marketing strategy and tactic must reinforce your company branding – question everything you do to make sure it fits. Visual branding and image branding efforts must work together to compete for your target market’s attention. Repetition and consistency are imperative for every unique branding strategy.

Look forward to hearing more branding ideas! What is your favorite brand?
Make it a great day!

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Welcome to the MCS Blog!

This blog has been created to inform and exchange ideas, concepts and programs taking place in the world of marketing and public relations. The MCS team consists of a talented group of designers, public relations experts and marketing specialists. For over the past eighteen years we have worked with a numerous companies with branding, logo development, packaging, public relations, marketing and many other programs.

In an effort to get over my personal“uncertainty” of social networking, I offered to provide writing for the MCS blog for awhile. This serves as an opportunity for me to connect and experience this world of social networking first hand (I hope everyone visiting this blog has a positive experience.)

Creative thinking is an integral part of our daily lives at MCS; it is an important part of what we do and who we are. I dare say it is important in everyone’s lives. Creativity is what pushes us with new ideas and concepts. The following are a few creative building activities. I hope they help you in your efforts to “think outside the box!”
1.) Change your routine! Perhaps listen to a radio station or watch different New show in the morning. Take a different route to work or find a new “mode of transportation” to work.

2.) For one hour take on someone else’s perspective. Perhaps look at things as a teenager, or another demographic group than yours. New perspectives can ignite new thoughts.

3.) Brainstorm with a number of people in the office. Brainstorm new answers to old problems. No criticism allowed at brainstorming sessions!

4.) Ask yourself …is there a different way of doing a certain task? Ask others…is there a more efficient way of accomplishing a daily task?

Theses are just a few ideas to get the ideas rolling on how to get a bit more creative. Do you have some quick Creative building tricks to share? We’d love to hear from you!!!
Meanwhile, be well and be creative!

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